Santa Rosa Urban Renovation


Provincial Competition “Urban Renovation of Corredor San Martín,” Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Organized by Asociación de Arquitectos de La Pampa and Santa Rosa Town Council.

Sponsored by: FADEA and Consejo profesional de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de La Pampa. 

Locación: Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina

The Project

In the intervention area, we can distinguish a great range of uses that generate a wide variety of spaces at the scale and movement flow levels. The uses are organized in such a way that a marked gradation is perceived: administrative-commercial, commercial-residential, residential, and recreational. Each of them has its own inherent qualities. There is cohesion between the intervention and pre-existing parts. The design cannot arise as an isolated space within the city, but rather it should respect image and meaning relationships, having as final goal a clear and uniform reading.

The design is conceived as a receiver of demands and transformations. This is achieved by using flexible systems and matrices which do not limit future transformations.

Elena Risso, Enrique Szelagowski, Emiliano Da Conceiçao, Julia Lescano, Andres Jamín, , Pablo Szelacowski y Carolina Vagge.

Photography: Andres Jamin.

1st Prize.