Tatiana Appartment


Appartment. (In Process)

Location: Vicente López. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Area: 65 m2

The Appartment

The apartment to be remodeled is located in the north of Greater Buenos Aires, in Vicente López district. The remodeling aims at restoring the original volume and providing the new user with the adequate conditions for her lifestyle. As the projected surface area uses the existing structure, the distribution keeps the given spatial organization.

The access to the apartment is located in a hallway on the ground floor, where a staircase leads to a small corridor that connects all living spaces. Some of the characteristics of their original design are maintained, including the location of the service area around the staircase and the distribution comprising two equal-sized rooms, which are adequately adapted to be used as workspace and bedroom. On the other hand, a larger surface area is allocated to the living room, whose outstanding feature is a transparent wall section extending the visuals towards a balcony. Exterior spaces dominate the scene, as the garden and the staircase leading to the rooftop can be appreciated from there. The garden provides green texture, and the rooftop duplicates the available surface area with urban visuals. 

The materials show their simple textures enhancing the living spaces.

Team: María Elena Risso.

Colaborator: María Sol Villaverde, Lucas Alderete.

Builder: Arq. José Luis Guiu.

Photography: Fernando Schapochnik.