Headquarters of the Colegio de Abogados


National Competition: Headquarters of the Colegio de Abogados de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de Pcia. De Bs. As. Distrito 1.

Location: La Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Understanding the interaction between the building and the city as a relationship with diffuse and extensive boundaries, the project is conceived as a high-rise modular representation aiming at resignifying the concepts of unity and image. The building consists of a modular volume spatially and functionally organized from a 3 m x 3 m module.

The modules are flexible and allow freedom of movement and interpretations. In addition, double-heights that could be completed later are projected, allowing changes and extensions in the future, which may be expected in a building with these characteristics.

Team: Elena Risso,Luciana Fernandez Reimers, Emiliano da Conceicao, Laura De Bodt  Andres Jamin.

Honorific mention.