Mar Museum


National Competition of Preliminary Designs for the “Museo Provincial de Arte Contemporáneo,” Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires. 

Organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, District IX. Promoter: Ministry of Infrastructure, Province of Buenos Aires, “Bicentenary and Heritage Public Works of the Province.”

Location: Mar del Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The museum as expression of architectural ideas of our time has undoubtedly become a powerful sign in our cities.

Thus, contemporary museums play a social, emblematic, cultural, and economic role of the utmost importance, transforming or modifying the perception of the territory at different levels, from its placement in a certain location to its influence on the city as a whole.

Team: Elena Risso, Luis Federico Risso, Cristina Carasatorre, Emiliano Da Conceicao.

Colaborators: M. Soledad de la Fuente Bordalecu, M. Angel Saccardo, Tobías Baraibar, Julia Faroppa.

Advisors: Ing. Jorge Maiztegui (estructuras) Arq. Jorge Czajkowski (arquitectura bioambiental sustentable) Ing. Agr. Andrea Reyes (paisaje)

1st Mention.