Club de Amigos Palermo

2006 National Design Competition “Passion for Sports and Fair Play”. Organized by: Club de Amigos. Palermo, Buenos Aires City. Sponsored by Sociedad Central de Arquitectos. Location: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. The proposal defines a dynamic urban object, which allows an effective relationship with the environment and landscape, the definition of new social spaces, […]
Households in Segovia

2006 National Competition of “Ideas for Execution Project of 95 Public Interest Houses, Shop Units, and Garages,” at municipal land called “Baterías”. Organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de Castilla y León – Este. Location: San Rafael Road, Segovia, España. The project results from the need to respond to two essential aspects: the location and a reflection […]
Santa Rosa Urban Renovation

2006 Provincial Competition “Urban Renovation of Corredor San Martín,” Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Organized by Asociación de Arquitectos de La Pampa and Santa Rosa Town Council. Sponsored by: FADEA and Consejo profesional de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de La Pampa. Locación: Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina The Project In the intervention area, we can distinguish a […]
Mar Museum

2009 National Competition of Preliminary Designs for the “Museo Provincial de Arte Contemporáneo,” Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires. Organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, District IX. Promoter: Ministry of Infrastructure, Province of Buenos Aires, “Bicentenary and Heritage Public Works of the Province.” Location: Mar del Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina. […]
Cultural Park of Aluminé.

2010 National Competition of Ideas for the Development of Public Space and Preliminary Design of the Cultural Park of Aluminé, Neuquén. Organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Neuquén. Promoter: Ministerio de Desarrollo Territorial de la Provincia de Neuquén. Location: Aluminé. Neuquén, Argentina. From the point of view of the project, the challenge […]
Historic Building of Former Banco Nación.

2010 National Competition of Ideas for Refunctionalization and Enlarging the Historic Building of Former Banco Nación.Headquarters of the Credit Union Insurance Department of the Province of Tucumán and Multi-Purpose Cultural Center of San Miguel de Tucumán. Organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Tucumán. Promoter: Government of the Province of Tucumán and Credit […]
Cultural Center at Former Central Caseros – Entre Ríos

2011 National Competition of Preliminary Designs “New Cultural Center at Former Central Caseros and Enhancement of Urban Sector in Concepción del Uruguay”. Organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Entre Ríos -CAPER-. Promoter: Ministry of Planning, Infrastructure, and Services of the Government of Entre Ríos. Location: Concepción del Uruguay. Entre Ríos, Argentina. The […]
Headquarters of the Colegio de Abogados

2013 National Competition: Headquarters of the Colegio de Abogados de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de Pcia. De Bs. As. Distrito 1. Location: La Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Understanding the interaction between the building and the city as a relationship with diffuse and extensive boundaries, the project is conceived as […]
Apartment Block 941

2014 Multifamily Housing. -BUILT DESIGN AWARD 2014 – Colegio de Arquitectos de Buenos Aires-INTERNATIONAL “DOMUS RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION” PRIZE. Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Area: 698 m2 The Building Apartment block developed by recycling an existing building in the town center. It comprises different types of apartments, with flexibility and freedom of interpretation working […]
School of Performing Arts VE

2015 Location: Villa Elisa, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. BUILT DESIGN AWARD 2015 – Colegio de Arquitectos de Buenos Aires Area: 130 m2 The teaching of performing arts requires a big room with a stage for groups of 15 students, access areas for control and reception, a waiting room, dressing rooms linked to the stage, […]
460 House

2015 Single Family House. Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Area: 200 m2 The House This is a single-story house developed as a compact white object with openings designed based on orientation, visuals, and uses. The covered area faces East and the intention is to create a space where outdoor activities are performed. Local and […]
47 House

2016 Single Family House. Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Area: 200 m2 The House The house is located in the town center. Our strategy consists of taking advantage of the available area to the fullest, designing spaces that help adapt to the constant changes of use that this type of program require. It has […]
Luisina House

2018 Single Family House. Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Area: 94,60 m2 The House This house designed for a young photographer is located in Parque Sicardi, an area within Arana, a district in La Plata, to the southeast of the city center, between the Provincial Airdrome and the neighboring district of Ignacio Correas. The […]
Virginia House

2017 Single Family House. PREMIO CAPBA OBRA CONSTRUÍDA – 2019. Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Area: 90,50 m2 The House This is a small house for a single user that requires a minimal surface area to hold a multipurpose social space and a bedroom. It is located in Villa Elisa, a district in La […]
Lula House

2020 Single Family House. Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Area: 120 m2 The House This house is located in Gonnet, in the northeast of La Plata. In this suburban setting, a house for a contemporary family is designed, which requires new ways of understanding and approaching the project to incorporate the needs of this […]
Tatiana Appartment

2023 Appartment. (In Process) Location: Vicente López. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Area: 65 m2 The Appartment The apartment to be remodeled is located in the north of Greater Buenos Aires, in Vicente López district. The remodeling aims at restoring the original volume and providing the new user with the adequate conditions for her lifestyle. As the […]
AB House

2023 Single Family House. (In Process) Location: Villa Santa Rita, CABA, Argentina Area: 165m2 The House This house is located in the northwest of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in the Villa Santa Rita district. The buildings in this area are relatively low, favoring a quieter pace of life than in other city districts. […]

AWARDS & MENTIONS 2019 Virginia House Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Area: 90,5m2 Team: María Elena Risso, Luciana Fernández Reimers. CAPBA BUILT DESIGN AWARD 2019 2015 School of Performing Arts VE Location: Villa Elisa, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Area: 130m2 Team: María Elena Risso, Luciana Fernández Reimers. BUILT DESIGN AWARD 2015 – Colegio […]